Decision-maker's Guide to Drupal 8: Components

  • Symfony and Drupal

    We like Symfony2, because it's a set of tools that allows you to assemble your own framework.
    You will like Drupal 8 because it's a platform that allows you to assemble your own web application.

    Symfony2 Meets Drupal8


    For anonymous users, caching. Varnish. Same as having a flat HTML site, serves all performance problems. Boost module does this for those not able to set up Varnish.

    As few modules as possible.

    (Choosing modules: If you can go without, go without.)

    Host media, especially your videos, with someone who specializes in them.


    Don't fear too much when modules you use geta security alert— it does not often mean your site is at risk. Ninety percent of the time the security announcement will contain a line like This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have a role with the permission "administer themes" or "administer custom search" or administer something else you'd never grant an untrusted user permission to do.

    Engaging with the Community

    What if I want to stay with Drupal 7, but still getting features?

    There's a fork for that. Backdrop is a content management system originally based on Drupal 7 which aims to have all the user-facing benefits coming to Drupal 8 plus, somehow,

    The Community Component: Supporting the People Who Make Drupal

    Sustain a Contributor with GitTip

    Some of the biggest recipients of these anonymous small donations in all of GitTip are people in its Drupal community.

    Indeed, the first two recipients on GitTip are not the founder, but people hailing from Drupal, receiving weekly amounts of $775 and $525 (as of 2014 April).

    One of them is a Drupal 8 core maintainer. And if massive full-time contributions to Drupal core's code isn't enough for you to try to get Alex Pott to a highly paid software engineer's salary in two-dollars-and-under donations, he and Anette Pott named their son Jack.

    Alex wrote:

    I would love to be able to maintain my current commitment to working on core. In an ideal world I would be able to do so by being entirely community-funded. This means my weekly target is $2000. So I'm raising my Gittip target to this level and appealing to the community for bright ideas and solutions.

    At the moment I'm not beholden to any single enterprise's or company's demands because all of the money I receive is donated anonymously through Gittip. Most of the funding opportunities I've been offered over the past few months have had corporate strings attached. I've chosen not to pursue these because I believe in the value of independence and a balance of interests. A diversely funded Drupal core team benefits Drupal and its community.

    The biggest recipient of all?

    Ashe Dryden. Her GitTip funding pitch is that she is making the world better by facilitating conversations about diversity, inclusivity and social justice in the hopes of promoting empathy and equality within the tech community.

    Wow. The community is supporting her to do the sorts of things she'd likely lose her job over at a typical technology company (and hence the very need for her work to change the culture).

    Many people are receiving small amounts, and giving away some (like Drupal 8 maintainer Nathaniel Catchpole) or all of it and more (like myself) and others are purely givers (like Mike Gifford's Drupal shop Open Concept).

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